What do you want for Christmas this year? Santas & fairies?
Angels & reindeer? Vintage decorations? Unusual handmade gifts?
A unique vintage item for that person on your list who has
everything? A special Christmas or New Year outfit? Whatever it is,
you have an excellent chance of finding everything you need for a
perfectly vintage Christmas in a jolly, festive atmosphere at the
6th annual Original Vintage & Handmade Christmas Fair in
Chipping Sodbury on the 13th December. Firmly established as a Christmas favourite, this popular event is
always full to bursting with delightful stalls brimming with
wonderful ideas for Christmas. Carefully selected vintage dealers, artists & creative
designer-makers from the South-West & beyond will be displaying
their wares for your shopping pleasure. Entrance is just £1.00 (children free) & there will be free
Christmassy goody bags for the first 50 visitors of the day. Our popular tearoom will be back with lashings of tea & coffee
& scrumptious festive treats served on vintage china by the hard
working ladies raising funds for local charitable causes. So, bring along your friends & family (children are warmly
welcomed) and join us for a fun day out and an enjoyable start to
the 2014 holiday season.