With only three days to go before the Vintage & Handmade Christmas Fair in Chipping Sodbury there is a flurry of activity going on across the land as our merry band of members prepare themselves for our Christmas bonanza. That is not the only flurry that is happening around the land and if the weather reports are correct.. a flurry of snow could land anywhere over the weekend. We would just like to reassure our visitors and fair members that it will be business as usual and it will take a lot more than a few icy flakes to keep us away from this long awaited date on the calendar. May we also remind anyone who plans to come along.. that the fair is on a SUNDAY this time so please don't turn up on Saturday .. because you'll have a long wait ahead of you until the doors open at 10.00 a.m on Sunday unless you bring a sleeping bag!
So.. with true British grit and determination.. we'll be there come what may.. come rain, shine or just a little flurry!